

transformationstories Zac Playing for the Bendigo Braves basketball team I need to be quick and strong. I have improved my strength across all of my lifts in the gyms and have noticed an improvement in my sports as well.

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transformationstories Jane I am 57 years old and am very conscious of the ageing process of my bones, muscles, blood and brain and also I wanted to maximise my heart health and fitness and do as much as I could to minimise the risk of heart attack, stroke and cancer as I get older. I

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transformationstories Laura The staff at Fit Republic really take the time to get to know you on a personal level and make you feel like a part of a family, which I love. The result was I am happier and healthier than ever. I originally approached Fit Republic because my Mum and a friend were

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transformationstories Alex Coach Edward has helped me by designing a program that is tailored to me. The results, so far, is being able to play footy more consistently and improve my kicking distance. I have been performing movements and exercises specific to footy which is something I’ve never taken into consideration. I approached Fit Republic

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transformationstories Emily The more you put in, the more you’ll get out of it. The body achieves what the mind believes. That’s my motto every time I train. “I originally approached Fit Republic because I had seen their before and after photos on Instagram and decided in the words of NSYNC, it’s gonna be me.

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transformationstories Grace I don’t feel awkward or judged like I have before in other gyms. The result has been that I am now training here every single day and loving it! I originally approached Fit Republic because: I had known many people who go to Fit and had said great things about the place. My

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Top tips pre game

Routine. From both studying sport psychology at school and personal experience. More important than anything is sticking to your routine. Naturally this is most crucial in the direct lead to the game (eg 30-60min prior). Whether it be listening to music, a stretch or a psych up routine, keeping it consistent from week to week will help put your frame of mind and body in a consistent place each w

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Unilateral vs. Bilateral training: Why Not Both?

A bilateral exercise movement is when both limbs are used in unison to contract the muscles, which creates force, and subsequently moves a given load as in the case of a back squat, deadlift, or barbell bench press. In contrast, a unilateral exercise movement is when each limb works independently of the other to create the desired movement, such as in the case of a lunge, box step-up, split squat, or DB floor press.

Unilateral vs. Bilateral training: Why Not Both? Read More »

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